Private yoga classes

Private Yoga classes

A yoga practice tailored to your individual needs. We cater to all levels and offer private classes to individuals, couples, families, groups of friends and co-workers.

You are welcome to come to our studio or  we can come to your home or workplace.

The base fee is $120 per hour for up to 2 people in our studio. Additional charges apply for travel and larger numbers.

Read below for the building resilience 6 week programme or get in touch to book your private yoga class.


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Building Resilience - 6 week personalised programme

Register now and pay just $80per week.

This trauma sensitive program is designed for people wanting to build physical and emotional strength and resilience. It is tailored to your individual needs and is suitable for absolute beginners (can be chair based if you have limited mobility).

There are strong links between your physical body and mental states. By strengthening your physical body and learning specific breathing techniques you can influence your mental and emotional state becoming stronger, calmer and more resilient. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed.... exhausted... stressed... anxious ...depressed... unmotivated?

Maybe you are suffering from chronic pain, IBS, burnout, migraines, asthma, insomnia, cystic fibrosis...

....or other conditions that are affecting your quality of life.

Well you are not alone! These conditions are becoming more and more common with the stresses of modern living and the covid lockdowns are certainly not helping! In todays world most peoples minds are consumed with worries about the future and regrets of the past with very little time left to live and enjoy the present moment. This really takes its toll mentally and physically.  

Our 6 week Building Resilience Programme is personalised for you - to build your physical and mental strength though tried and tested yogic techniques and can include reiki treatments (particularly if you are recovering from illness).

What is yoga?
There is a misconception that yoga is a series of exercises designed for highly flexible, skinny,  fit ladies. That is certainly what is portrayed in social media! Well this couldn't be further from the truth. Yoga is a scientific process of strengthening and developing control over your mind. There is much hype these days about mindfulness and meditation and a lot of new research coming out about the benefits - this however is something the yogis have known and practiced for over 3000 years!
Yoga’s benefits each individual in a different way - Many find that it helps them to de stress and relax, others find themselves feeling stronger, healthier and more energetic while others notice the notice their mental clarity and focus improving.  Basically all  the systems in the body are affected by yoga practice (from the cardiovascular to the lymphatic and the digestive) so with regular practice you will experience benefits in all areas of your life. 

The resilience program is run in 6 week blocks which include:
  1. Private Yoga sessions- one 60 minute class per week in person in the studio or via zoom. You do not need to be fit, flexible or even mobile to start this program. It is personalised to your level and can be done seated on a chair if you cant get up and down on a mat or we can start you off with reiki until you feel up to yoga. Basically if you can breathe you can do yoga!
  2. Daily breathing exercises - The key is constant practice so we ask that you commit to the 10 minute daily home breathing exercises for the full 6 weeks. The yogis have been doing it for thousands of years but there is now a lot of new research coming out proving the huge physical and psychological benefits of learning to breath correctly. We will teach you simple exercise you can do anywhere anytime and as you progress this can lead to a daily meditation practice.
  3. Yoga Nidra - Yoga Nidra is often referred to as yogic sleep because it systematically takes your  mind to the state between being asleep and being awake, resulting in deep relaxation and rejuvenation. You can read more about Yoga Nidra here - Benefits of Yoga Nidra.
  4. Reiki Treatments speed up the recovery and healing process. Sirpa often incorporates reiki into the private sessions especially in the beginning while students build up strength and she will slowly introduce more yoga in the sessions over the coming weeks.

About Soul Tree Yoga

Soul Tree Yoga was founded in 2018 by Sirpa who stepped away from a lucrative business career to focus on sharing yoga and reiki in her community.  Sirpa is a Registered Exercise Professional with REPS NZ, a member of Yoga Alliance (ERYT 500hr), Yoga NZ (Lvl 3 Instructor), a Reiki Master Teacher and member of Reiki NZ. She understands that joining a group class can be quite stressful as a beginner in a room full of strangers. The resilience programme is trauma sensitive and designed to take away the fear of starting out. Classes are conducted one-to-one in a safe comfortable studio.  After completing the 6 week programme many individuals feel confident to join regular group sessions while others prefer to continue with the personalised approach.

Register your interest for the

 Building Resilience Programme 2023

Take the first step to a stronger you in 2023!

Complete the form with your name and contact details and we will be in touch to discuss dates times and payment options.

Register now for the discounted rate of $80 per week for 6 weeks!

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